Friday, July 28, 2017

What is this blog about and should you give a $@!#&%....

So… what is this blog all about.  Well, I am not really sure….. it is just a place where I can share my hiking adventures or share my thoughts while on that hike, tell a story, share my experience while at a business or restaurant or give an opinion on a variety of things.  For the most part, it is going to be a lot of my opinion and a great man once said:
"Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance."-- Plato

With that being said… I tend to be right in the middle of that statement and when I find myself on the ignorant side, I work hard to move more towards the knowledge side.  However I am cognizant of my opinions and tend to follow the words of a much younger lady who has her own thoughts on opinions…
"We don't need to share the same opinions as others, but we need to be respectful."-- Taylor Swift
However, my opinion can change based on a particular moment or event in time as life is not static and I may find myself switching 180 degrees from my original opinion.  Is this hypocrisy?  Maybe but another man stated:

"The man who never alters his opinions is like standing water, and breeds reptiles of the mind."-- William Blake
So to keep from breeding "reptiles" in my mind I need to re-evaluate my opinion from time-to-time based on additional knowledge, facts and morals.  So, what you read here is not the “Gospel according to…” but should just be treated at its face value.  My opinion… at a moment in time… which can change.  

You may have a completely different perspective and opinion and I am fine with that.  You are your own person and I can respect your opinion and I hope you can respect mine.  However if your opinion differs from mine… well your's is probably wrong and sucks!  Juuuust kidding. 😈

This blog is also a way to work on my writing/communication skills… a way for me to develop my own style of expression through the written word and distributed via the Internet.  So… I have to be careful and thoughtful in my opinions and the way I express them for once something is on the Internet… it is there forever… even if I delete it from this site.  It can and will come back to haunt me.  

This means I also need to also learn patience and how not to ‘fly-off’ and not consider my words before hitting the post button.  That will be a continuing education of which I will be a student of for the rest of my life and if you decide to follow this blog I hope you will see that education taking hold over time.

There ya go!  This site is really all about me learning to write and express myself better by conveying my opinions on a variety of topics and that that opinion can change over a period of time which I would then express yet a new opinion.  Hmmmm…. Sounds like a blog I might be interested in.  But… that is just MY opinion.  LOL 😀   Enjoy!

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