Sunday, February 18, 2018

Lake Ridge / Woodbridge Brewery Update 2018 – Part 3

Ok… it is time to wrap up this 2018 update of the Lake Ridge / Woodbridge breweries and after that I hope to be adding other reviews of my experiences at other breweries… like I did with 2 Silo’s over off Hwy 28 in Manassas.  I am looking for to going back to Sinistral now that they got the needed equipment they have been waiting for to brew more beer… and hopefully stay open more than three days a week. 😊  But before I go further…


I must make a correction.  In a previous post I stated that Growling Bear is the ‘oldest brewery’ in the Lake Ridge / Woodbridge area… when in fact… it is Ornery Beer Company and Public House.  Older by two weeks.  So, my apologies Ornery and congrats on working on your 3rd year and here is to many more.

Water’s End Brewery

As Water’s End enters it’s second year and 2018, there are not really any big changes to really discuss.  The W.E. Beer Club membership is the same except for two things… instead of new members getting a 32oz steel growler…they get a 64oz steel growler!  Also instead of a 16oz glass, they will get a 11oz teku glass.  Those are the only big changes… you still get the bigger pours, growler / crowler discounts, 4- free beers for friends, free growler fill on your birthday, t-shirt or hat and merchandise discounts.  They still offer the +1 memberships as well… a great companion to a full membership.

I would think the two major changes that really got me going into 2018 is…
  1. CROWLERS!!  The only brewery in Lake Ridge / Woodbridge now has crowlers!  It. Is. Awesome!  They bit the bullet and bought the machine, cans and labels after enough people asked and boy has it paid off!  I have seen them sell 100’s of cans since they started.  I have seen their crowler fridge on a Thursday with 30-40 cans of liquid goodness and come back on Friday night or mid-day Saturday to see it either empty or only 2-3 beers left in it and needing restocking.  I think that machine has paid for itself already!  Waters End even had a +12 foot ‘Festivus Pole’ a regular customer made out of crowler cans over Christmas.  It was a magical Festivus miracle that I hope happens again in 2018!

  2. BEER Inventory!  The. Inventory. SUCKS!  Yep… sucks.  When I started going as a regular they would have 7-9 beers on tap at any given time.  NOW we are lucky if they have 5 and out of those 5, one or two are limited to in-house pours only (no growler / crowler fills).  They just keep running out of beer!


This of course a good thing for them…. But sucks for the rest of us.  I guess there are too many of us that really enjoy their beer.  At last count their beer club membership was over the 450-member mark, but I think they really have only 370+ active members.  While some older members may not have renewed, I see at least one new membership sold every other week… so to those new members… I say welcome aboard.  Apparently too many people like W.E. beer and are drinking the Hell out of it!  They do have some favorites that are pounded on as soon as it comes out like the Hop-Drop, Juice Bucket, Stout and more.  Never fear though!  Rumor has it that they have a new fermenter on the way which will allow them to brew more beer and they have also been working on some barrel aged beers for bottling with barrels from Knob Creek, Copper Fox and Bowman’s Brothers.  I plan to stock up!!

They have also recently started up a ‘Taco Thursday’ collaboration with Sweeto Burrito so you can come in and munch down some tacos and beer.  On some Friday’s they have been having local talent come in and sing which usually fills the bar up with lots of local fans and beer lovers.  They also have various events from time to time.  Recently they did a beer club even with Copper Fox distillery where the members got to learn more about the products Copper Fox distills… and more important they also gave a great tasting that was INSANE and enjoyed by all!  I can’t wait for another one and I hope it happens sooner rather than later.  Make sure to check on the web site for any upcoming events and beer releases….. but if you are not already a regular member or patron…. DON’T BECOME ONE!!  You’re drinking all the damn beer!!  😊

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