Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Farm Brew Live / 2 Silos Brewing

On an old farmstead on the outskirts of Manassas at the junction of Hwy 234 and Hwy 28 sits a growing complex of buildings with the main building being the old Thomasson Barn that has sat on that land since 1929.  Over the past few months this historic site has been transformed and re-purposed from the dairy barn and pastures it once was to a new pasture of food, beer, wine and music.

This ‘campus’ as they call it is called “Farm Brew Live – At Innovation Park”.  Farm Brew Live is split into multiple components.  The first component is 2 Silos Brewing Co., which includes a tasting room, packaging facility and a company store.  Next is the YARD Beer & Sound Garden which also features ‘The Pit Barbecue’.  There is an awesome firepit area with 4 separate firepits with 16 chairs and a food truck nearby.  Then in the spring of next year; ‘The Black Sheep; whiskey + wine = noshery*’ will open.  There is also a planned ‘Great Hall Events Pavilion’ which has still not been built.

Farm Brew live is marketed as a ‘destination brewery’ and in centered about the 2 Silos Brewing Company.  There has been a lot of talk about the whole campus around town, media and magazines, but this is just my take.  As you have seen on some of my other posts I just break things down as I… a fan of local breweries… experience them and as such it is just my humble opinion.
It’s too much!

Now, with that said it is a great new and modern facility with the ‘old farmhouse’ twist.  However, I like being able to just sit back, order a beer and chat with a bartender or other folks at the bar while consuming said beer and maybe some food/snacks.  My first issue… NO BAR to sit at!  The have tables (high and low) indoors and outdoors, even some cool igloos (for rent) that they use for the cold months.  However, there is no bar to just sit at and be served.  The place is mainly ‘walk-up’ service and the times I have been there you’re going to be waiting in line for a beer.  The four times I have been there, you are in line from 10-20 min depending on the time and day you visit.  One Friday night I was there, they had EIGHT (8) beer lines and it still took over 15 min to get a beer… I got two… I didn’t want to wait again!

The food is a little pricey and from what I have had out there on my visits, not very impressive except for the pretzel.  It is pretty good, and a must try if you go.  The ‘beer cheese’ tastes and has the consistency of something from a can and they use it for their pretzels, nachos and tri-dip.  Now… I will disclose that the 4 times I been was in the first two months of them opening… so I am going to wait a good 3-4 months before going back.  Hopefully some more of the kinks will be worked out a bit.  

I usually go to the breweries in the area either by myself or with the wife.  This place is not good for the casual date or to hang out by yourself.  As a destination brewery it is built for groups of 4-100 people.  So, if you think you just want to go hang out by yourself or with a date and chill… yeah, good luck with that… up to you, but it is not for me.  That is also a shame too… they have some pretty good music playing on stage when I have gone, but I never really get to enjoy it because I am too busy either trying to find a place to sit and enjoy it… or waiting in line for a beer.  Oh well.

Speaking of beer.  It is ok… they have a couple of good beers and some so-so beers.  They did have one beer that I couldn’t even finish the flight poor… and that is very rare for me.  They sort of trick you with the pour as the glasses they use look like standard 16oz pint glasses, but if you pay attention on the menu it does tell you they are 12oz pours.  A lot of plastic cups are used as well, which I see is needed since a lot of drinking and activity is going on outside.  The prices are a little on the high side ($6.50 - $7.00) for a 12oz pour, but they are not the highest in Prince William Co.… that belongs to another brewery on the Eastern side of the county.  You can always review my previous post on Lake Ridge / Woodbridge breweries to figure out who owns that title.

So… for me, Farm Brew Live and 2 Silos is a great place for large groups or families to hang out.  Heck, I even bought a couple of t-shirts.  However, for my taste of just kicking back and sipping on a beer and having some good conversation; this is not the place.  But that is just my opinion, you must judge for yourself and I encourage you to check it out at least once.  I am looking forward to going back to have dinner and drinks once the Black Sheep opens!!  May have to update this post after that visit!

Good luck Farm Brew Live! You have a beautiful campus and have brought a great destination for folks in and out of Prince William County to visit!

*Noshery - A restaurant or delicatessen, esp for snacking

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