Sunday, February 18, 2018

Lake Ridge / Woodbridge Brewery Update 2018 – Part 3

Ok… it is time to wrap up this 2018 update of the Lake Ridge / Woodbridge breweries and after that I hope to be adding other reviews of my experiences at other breweries… like I did with 2 Silo’s over off Hwy 28 in Manassas.  I am looking for to going back to Sinistral now that they got the needed equipment they have been waiting for to brew more beer… and hopefully stay open more than three days a week. 😊  But before I go further…

Friday, February 9, 2018

Lake Ridge / Woodbridge Brewery Update 2018 – Part 2

Brew Republic Bierwerks

This start up brewery has come a long way in its first year and moving into 2018.  They have really expanded their distribution of some (2) of their beers and the biggest mover it seems is the Patriot 212.  You can find it at a few Wegman’s stores in No. VA as well as at Total Wine.  More places are signing on and you can also find BR Beer at many local restaurants and establishments!  I also think they may have to expand a bit to keep up with demand, so it will be cool to learn what other changes will be taking place in 2018.  Check out their website to see where they are currently pouring and their social media pages to find out where they are doing tastings!

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Lake Ridge / Woodbridge Brewery Update 2018 – Part 1

It’s a new year and one thing is a constant in the Universe, things change as time marches on.  This is also true for the local breweries here in the Lake Ridge / Woodbridge area and some of these changes are good and some are just… well… sad.  So, lets get into it!!