Monday, April 12, 2021

So….Why haven’t I been posting??

When I started this blog, it was supposed to be a place for me to post my thoughts, opinions, and other bullshit.  It has mainly turned out to be a blog of me talking about local breweries.  Why??  It all has to do with the crazy world we live in today…

We now live in a ‘cancel culture’ here in America, where your entire life can be destroyed if you speak out against the group think Orwellian world, we are finding ourselves evolving into.  If you really look at Orwell’s books as well as Ann Ryan you can see some similarities from those works of fiction in today’s America.

It is my belief that the transformation of America began during the Obama years and has done more harm to America and freedom than anything done by the worlds communist/socialist countries. We are and have allowed ourselves to be destroyed from within.  We have been placed into groups based on Race, Sex/Gender, Orientation, Religion, Wealth, Democrat, Republican, Left or Right.

Our once cherished 1st Amendment rights are slowing being taken away from us.  We see individuals being banned from social media platforms because they dare to voice an opinion that the group think culture disagrees with.  We see propaganda networks such as CNN, MSNBC and others calling for an outright ban of other networks such as OANN or NewsMax because they do not toe a progressive world view.  People can’t just turn to another channel anymore… they insist that no other idea exists out there except theirs.

We also see large IT companies like YouTube, Twitter, Google, Facebook and others kicking people off their platforms just for voicing different views / opinions.  These people then try to go to another social media platform like Parler, GAB or for video, Rumble and they are called racist, ‘white supremacist’ and just about every other derogatory name in the book because they decide to patronize these sites that place a higher value on 1st Amendment rights than the others.  Try to start your own website… if people don’t like what you say, instead of ignoring your site, they get the hosting platform to take you down.

Individuals are also being doxed (DEF: To publicly disclose the identity, address, or other personal details of (someone), especially as a form of online harassment.) for their opinions and wind up unemployed, unable to find work, ostracized by their community and is some extreme cases, some of those that have been doxed wind up taking their own life.  The worst things… some people celebrate this and work hard to destroy the lives of others.  Society is beginning to implode to the point that we cannot view our own opinions, good or bad, without hurting somebody’s feelings.

Growing up, I was taught “Sticks and bones may break my bones, but words shall never hurt me.”  Today though, words can destroy your entire life, regardless of any good you may have done over the years.  It just takes one statement to destroy it all.  You can try to apologize, but the acceptance of an apology depends on which side of the political spectrum you fall.

There you have it… one of the main reasons I have not been posting anything lately and only brewery reviews.  Maybe I will start a separate blog for just my brewery reviews… who knows.  Maybe I will be kicked off Blogspot because this post does not meet their “guidelines” or “TOC”.  We will see how it goes but until then…

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