Monday, April 12, 2021

So….Why haven’t I been posting??

When I started this blog, it was supposed to be a place for me to post my thoughts, opinions, and other bullshit.  It has mainly turned out to be a blog of me talking about local breweries.  Why??  It all has to do with the crazy world we live in today…

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

REVISIT: Eavesdrop Brewery – Yorkshire (Manassas) VA

Back in July of 2018, I did my initial post on Eavesdrop Brewery.  If you go back to my original post you will be able to see my notes on the beer, location and other interesting tidbits.  Some time has passed and there have been some awesome changes at the brewery I thought I would share.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

WOW! Time does fly!!

Time sure does fly… I have not made a posting to this blog in over 2 years!!  So, what the hell have I been doing??  Well… back in 2017, I lost my job that I had worked at for 17 years, just so my company could go off and buy another company.  Lived most of 2017 off my severance and unemployment and finally landed a new job in 2018.  It was a completely different industry, since the one I was previously in, well… those prospective employers considered me ‘overqualified’.  In this new job, I rose quickly through the ranks and was doing well, just to be let go again here in 2020.  

Friday, July 13, 2018

Eavesdrop Brewery – Yorkshire, (Manassas) VA

A new little brewery named “Eavesdrop Brewery” has opened in Manassas off VA 28 and of course I had to check it out.  So, I headed out North on Centerville Rd. / VA-28 from Liberia Avenue and next thing you know I am out of Manassas.  So… I turned around and came South on VA-28, looking for the brewery, which I was told was just south of the Virginia Meat building.  I could not see it at all!!  How can I try out a new brewery if I can’t find it!?

Saturday, April 7, 2018

The Great Woodbridge Brewery Bust!

Holy Beer Bust Batman!  There have been big but sad changes with the Woodbridge / Lake Ridge beer scene in this past 1st quarter of 2018 and more may be on its way.  Is it something in the water?  Maybe it is the beer… I don’t know but I do know the local beer scene in this area is shrinking!